

Finding The Most Helpful Mom Blogs

By Lelia Hall

Mothers in the past had to rely on advice from parents, family, friends and books as they did not have access to the internet. Being able to go online and read mom blogs provides a rich wealth of information and support for mothers that they never had before. Apart from all the practical tips that help one to be a more organized mommy, one can receive advice on parenting and share with others too.

There are so many mothers blogging today that choosing the right ones to follow can be confusing. Fortunately, there are directories and lists of bloggers available online. They often give short descriptions of what can be found on a specific blog, making it easy to eliminate some and only go to the ones that are likely to be most helpful. A site can then easily be bookmarked for future reference.

Just about every possible topic with regard to parenting is addressed by these bloggers. However, mothers are often looking for more than just advice. They are also looking for others they can identify with who are going through similar experiences to them. In being able to laugh and cry about the experiences of someone else, they often feel much better about their own. This gives them the courage they need to carry on.

A sense of community will often develop between those mothers commenting on a blog and photos, stories and advice are shared. A burden shared is a burden halved and when mothers can communicate their fears and joys in this way, it gives them something they may not otherwise have. Not all mothers have the luxury of a good support system around them.

Every stage of motherhood is covered by bloggers from teenage pregnancy to mothers experience empty nest syndrome. Teen mothers can be greatly encouraged by finding out that they are not alone in their situation. Even pregnant mothers can receive advice on anything from what type of birth to have to how to breastfeed successfully. Mothers trying to deal with the fact that their children are grown up and do not need them in the same way anymore can share with other mothers on how to deal with this.

A mother who has a strict budget can find many helpful ways of saving money. Bloggers write about different products, giving reviews and they may even have giveaways as well. Mothers are made aware of cheaper products and discounts offered so they can source products that offer the best value for money.

Many blogs exist that are inspirational for mothers and their own health, well being and beauty. They advocate finding time to eat healthily, exercise and offer advice on fashion too. No mom should be too busy to look after herself and look her best.

With the wealth of advice, tips and inspiration available to mothers today, there is no reason why they should feel isolated, unable to cope and too busy to spend time on themselves. There are other mothers out there whose experience they can benefit from to help them make the most of their lives.

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