

Know Some Of The Branches That Constitute The Famous Microbiology Society

By Edna Booker

If you listen to different and numerous positive comments about science from people in different parts of the world, you would really know that science is dear to many lives today. Diseases are the worst enemy today and some people are committed to know the microbes that cause them and how they could eradicate them. Scientists who study more about algae, fungi, protozoa, bacteria and viruses are called microbiologists and they belong to the microbiology society.

It is important to note that this scientific study has several branches you can join to quality to become a microbiologist. One of the branches is mycology. In this branch, you specialize in learning more about fungi. Many people do not know that fungi are a general terminology that includes the study of fungal microbes such as puff balls, mushrooms, moulds and yeast. You should know that some fungi are beneficial although others are harmful.

Viruses cause different diseases and infections that sometimes take long to treat and eradicate. Scientists in this branch make you know that you cannot classify viruses as eukaryotic or prokaryotic. They also argue that viruses are not living things and they are also not non-living things since they lie in between the two. Most of these scientists state that viruses are major cause of disease in human beings, plants and animals.

If you choose to study more about protozoa, you will qualify to join this community once you fulfill the assessing board with your scientific qualification. Protozoa cause various diseases such as sleeping sickness, amoebic dysentery and malaria. Those who study protozoa play important role in controlling malaria that kills most newborns, children and pregnant mothers due to their low immunity.

Behind the different infections and diseases are pathogens. These are microorganisms that access your body systems and reproduce there causing infections. However, they would continue causing these infections until these scientists discover how they cause them and their life cycles as well. These scientists also study about the physiology and genetics of these microorganisms especially those that cause leprosy, tuberculosis and typhoid.

Among other scientists you find in this community are those who study different processes of fermentation and their application. Fermentation is crucial to most industries since they produce their products through this process. However, some people do not know that certain microorganisms facilitate fermentation. Scientists in this branch explain how fermentation brings about alcoholic drinks.

You are prone and subjected to environments full of pathogens that cause dangerous infections. However, you may not suffer from them severely depending on your immunity level. Nonetheless, you would not know more about immunology without scientists who are specialists in this field explaining it to you. It is in this community where you find scientists who know how antibodies fight antigens in the body.

Lastly, those who study how these microbes degrade objects in the environment are also members of this great community. These professionals study how these microbes cause decay and degradation of the natural waste to keep the environment clean and healthy. Scientists in this branch note that some of the environmental microbes help in eradicating oil spill that contaminate aquatic life.

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