

Social Media Marketing Egypt For Dummies

By Edna Booker

Because of the popularity of the internet these days, one can actually spread a very interesting idea or even a business so easily. Now this is known as social media marketing Egypt and is by far one of the most popular methods of marketing these days. So if one is going into the field of marketing any time soon, then he has to know about this form.

Now the first site that should be tackled would be of course none other than the most famous of all social networking sites known as Facebook. Now Facebook is probably the site that has the most number of people in the entire population of the internet. Of course the one way for organizations and businesses to be able to connect with people all around the website would be to make a Facebook like page and spread.

Now one has to remember that Facebook is actually the fastest way to spread news or businesses. This is simply because the like page can be made easily and it can also connect with people easily as well. Also, once one has already connected to a like page or once he simply liked it, then he can already see the news that the creator has been posting.

Now just to give a brief idea about how the like page works, one has to note that the like page has a way to monitor number of likes and visitors. Now one will be able to get a short estimate as to how many people have looked at the site as well as how many people have liked the site already. Now aside from the numbers, one will also be able to see a graphical representation of the figures that can be found there.

Now the second social media website that a lot of people are also on would be Twitter. Now Twitter is one of the more interesting sites to tackle because it is so interactive. It is a way for the big people to be able to talk to the little people through short messages or Tweets.

Now another very cool thing about twitter is that it can connect people who talk about the same thing. Now this can be done through an option that is known as the hash tag option which can be done with the use of a hash or number symbol. Basically, one can just type in the hash symbol and write about pretty much any topic in the search bar and he will see people talking about that topic.

Now the great thing about the hashtag option is that not only Twitter uses it but Instagram too. Of course Instagram differs from Twitter in a sense that it uses pictures instead of text. So if one would prefer to share around pictures instead of messages, then this is the site for him.

Now if one would take a look at these sites, one can actually know how useful they are. With tools like like pages and hash tags, one can be able to connect to people quickly. So in order to market a certain idea or business, social media is the way to go because this is the trend of this century.

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