

Targeting Interests With Facebook Paid Ads

By Adam Khan

 FacebookThe Facebook ad platform can be very powerful for those who understand how to use it. Unlike Google Adwords which is great for advertising to someone who is looking for a good or service right now, you can advertise products on Facebook that people might not know about and are thus not actively searching. This can be accomplished by targeting people with certain interests using paid Facebook ads.

You can choose many different categories in combination and really fine tune who you want your ad shown to. You can pick an range of age, gender, married, divorced, in a relationship or not, occupation, geographical location, and likes and dislikes in all kinds of areas. Tastes in music, cooking, clothing, hobbies, and all kinds of subdivisions within those classifications can be targeted.

This can be accomplished in one of two ways. The most basic is through the targeting section of the Facebook Power Editor or user interface. You start with your base demographic, and then can narrow it down by adding interests. With each interest a number of people is displayed, and as you ad that interest that is filtered through your demographics to give you a target audience. The more interests you add the larger target audience.

Another ways of targeting interests on Facebook is using the custom audience tool. With this you can use various tools to browse through Facebook automatically to find people who meet certain criterion. This produces a list of user IDs that can be uploaded a custom audience to Facebook. These will often to be the most targeted people for a given good or service.

Given that Facebook charges higher per click costs for ads with a lower cllck-through rate, it is important to display your ad to only people would would be interested in it. This also helps on generating a higher rate of conversions, lowering your cost of advertising. Thus, if you are not targeting interests on Facebook, then you are letting a lot of money slip between your fingers.

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