

The Bizo Multi-Channel Nurturing Solution - Here's What You Should Know

By Adam Hajj

Bizio, the B2B marketing solution provider, has updated its marketing automation suites and multi-channel nurturing tools for business marketers. The new multi-channel nurturing system aims to help businesses to take their marketing beyond the email inbox. The tools will allow marketers to reach anonymous website visitors. Yes, thanks to Bizio you can now reach website visitors who have not provided you with their email addresses.

Bizio launched its patented multi-channel nurturing system last year, but the initial launch had some problems because it was confusing to use. The company has greatly improved the system now, and B2B marketers can make use of the system to access the 95% of visitors that do not enter their email address when they come to a website. Before Bizio launched their offering, these website visitors were simply lost visitors, because there was no easy way to remarket to them.

Called the Bizo multi-channel nurturing solutions, this web software enables website owners to nurture a relationship with their website visitor's even if they're just lurking at the website, who are also known as anonymous visitors. With this channel you can set up messages that targets anonymous visitors. These messages could be anything from advertisements from real, solid content. Aside from websites, you can also use this piece of technology on your Facebook pages. The nurturing paths are based on the visitors' website behavior as well as demographics.

DocuSign configures their campaign so that only the most high-value prospects are shown advertisements, and the carefully work to increase their lead volume and to optimize the quality of the leads that they generate.

B2B marketing is a very demanding process, but these improved tools make it easy for marketers to run a detailed and sophisticated campaign. This takes marketing far beyond traditional email list management. There are several companies that have already used the Bizio system with good results, ensuring that website visitors get repeated exposure to the company's brand message, and that they have a good understanding of the company's products before they contact a salesperson.

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